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  • Where do you guys ship to?
    We ship worldwide from both United States and Canada, depending on the item. Check product info, for details on which location it ships from.
  • How long will my orders take?
    We strive to get the products you order into your hands as fast as possible. This being said, we aren't on Amazon's level (yet... haha) so if can bear with us, we would much appreciate it. Short Answer: Best way to estimate your total delivery time will be to add both the expected fufillment time in the product discription, with the expected shipping time thats provided as your checking out. Long Answer: To be as transparent as possible, there are two stages that are completed when you order an item. The fufillment stage, and the transit stage. Please refer to the product descriptions for expected fufillment time. *Note: During new releases, holidays, etc, there can be an additional 2-4 business days of processing time within the fufillment stage. Transit times will vary based upon a few different conditions, including but not limited to: - Total distance between us and you - Whether your parcel is a Canadian, USA, or an International (everywhere else) shipment - What delivery method you select Any inquiries regarding the exact location of your package should be made to the carrier directly. Checking the tracking number provided in your Shipment Confirmation is usually the best way to check. Our customer service agents only have as much information as can be seen by you through your tracking number.
  • How much will shipping cost?
    Best way to find out is to build your cart and see what the shipping options are without actually purchasing the cart. All shipping rates will vary depending on a few different factors, some of which include: - Domestic vs International Shipments - Total Weight of Package - Selected Shipping Method
  • Can I cancel or return my order?
    Unfortunately, we do not accept returns or cancelations at this time. We can only offer a refund if we are unable to fulfill and ship your purchase to you. This being said, if you catch a mistake just after you order, please reach out to us immediately after ordering by phone and email, and we will try to fix it. Although we can't guarantee a resolved outcome, we will definitely try.
  • Can I change my shipping address?
    Yes, as long as your order has not already been shipped! Please email or call us, with your name, order number, and updated shipping address as soon as possible. Once your order leaves our warehouse we are unable to make any changes.
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